Equipment support | Peeps | HIE Awareness & Support

Equipment support

Having a child / children can be expensive. If they need a little extra support the costs can really add up. We have allocated funds for equipment that isn’t available through the NHS. This includes, but isn’t restricted to, items like the Firefly GoTo seat or Splashy, to help children access activities safely and with their peers.

At the moment, our funding cannot be used towards therapies, sensory equipment or tablets/iPads – we will help you find other organisations who may be able to support.

You can apply for up to £500 towards the cost of equipment. We’re really proud to say that our funds are needs, not means, tested.

How to apply

  1. Make sure you are already registered with Peeps (if you aren’t you can complete the form online).
  2. Fill out the equipment request form or download the application form and email back to or get in touch if you need a copy sending in the post.
  3. Send in your supporting documents (we need confirmation of an H.I.E. diagnosis and supporting letter from a healthcare professional.

We’ll then be in contact and confirm when your application will be reviewed (we aim to do this within the month).

If you need any help completing the form or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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