HIE Awareness & Support | Peeps Charity

HIE Awareness & Support

We’re here to help – and just as every family is different, the support people need can be different. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need anything or have any ideas.

You can self-refer by completing a quick online form here. A paper copy can be downloaded here.

If you would like any of our information in a different language or format, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Some of the things we currently do:

Provide information

We have free parent packs, posters and leaflets (translations available) to share with NICUs (Neonatal Intensive Care Units). This means a family starting out on their journey have access to information and support from the earliest opportunity. Families may not choose to contact us straight away, and that’s of course absolutely fine, but we believe it’s important for everyone to have the choice and knowledge of what support is available for if/when they may want it.

Our packs have items in that offer a little comfort during those early days and weeks. Healthcare professionals can request packs for their unit by clicking here.

Mental health support

Please click here or use the menu bar at the top, to find out more on the mental health support available.

Bereavement support

Please click here or use the menu bar at the top, to find out more on the bereavement support available.

Equipment funding support

Please click here or use the menu bar at the top to find out more in the equipment fund available to apply for.

The Peeps’ Coffee Pot

Many H.I.E. families will know just how hard a lengthy or sudden hospital stay can be. Worrying about your child and helping them get better is priority, and it can feel incredibly lonely as the world outside carries on as usual.

Our “coffee pot” is a fund set up from a parent’s suggestion, so that contributions can be made to buy a brew for a fellow parent who is in hospital. (Peeps will facilitate this by buying a voucher from the fund, for a suitable coffee shop/retailer, depending on what is in or near the hospital).

A drink and a piece of cake can go a long way to letting people know they aren’t on their own.

You can donate to the Coffee Pot online here – any contribution, no matter how small or big, is hugely appreciated and will really make a different to a family. Huge thanks to everyone who has kindly donated so far, it’s been lovely to see all the support and messaged.

If you are an H.I.E. family currently in hospital, or know a family who is and would like to nominate them, you can access the “pot” by completing this short form

Any questions, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Sending all our best wishes,

The team at Peeps.

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