Baby Loss Awareness Week (BLAW), 9th - 15th October | Peeps | HIE Awareness & Support

Baby Loss Awareness Week (BLAW), 9th – 15th October


Baby Loss Awareness Week (BLAW), 9th – 15th October

Tomorrow marks the start of Baby Loss Awareness Week (#BLAW). More information can be found at

There will be lots of posts and sharing across social media platforms from different experiences, groups and organisations. For some this is an important time to talk about baby loss, whilst others may feel the need to come away from social media for a while.

There are no rights or wrongs, please look after yourself, and please remember we are here for you.

We have set up a new closed group, for any family member who has been affected by loss due to HIE (at any age). This is to provide a safe space where people can talk and share, and where we can offer gentle support. The group can be found by going to:

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