Did you know....? | Peeps | HIE Awareness & Support

Did you know….?

A drawing of a big number 5 balloon in pale green, with bunting behind. The text below reads "things you might not know about Peeps" and our Peeps logo is in the bottom right corner.

Did you know….?

We like to share what we do at Peeps, in the hope that it raises awareness and helps reach families who may benefit from support.

However, there are some things you might not know we do…. 

  • Birthday bears. A Peeps teddy bear and a special card are sent out ahead of a child’s first birthday – we understand, and hear from parents, that emotions can be heightened around the time of birthdays, so it’s a gentle way of saying we’re here if needed.
  • Hospital support. If we know a family is having a lengthy hospital stay, we send a gift voucher (Costa or M&S are often favourites!) so they can get a meal or a much needed coffee – it might not change the world but we hope it brings a little comfort.
  • Key date recognition. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Christmas cards and gifts are sent out each year to our families, and recently have been kindly designed by a fellow H.I.E. mum!
  • Bespoke Milestone cards. Beautifully designed by an H.I.E Dad, this pack of cards are included in each of our free parent packs, for families at the very start of their journey. Traditional milestones might not be appropriate for all babies, and we don’t families to miss out!
  • Sulley’s Fund. We offer bespoke support, through Sulley’s Fund, for any H.I.E. family who experiences loss. This may be financial help, memory gifts, or finding further support.

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