Let's talk about last month... | Peeps | HIE Awareness & Support

Let’s talk about last month…


Let’s talk about last month…

This is a snapshot of what happened last month at Peeps. It doesn’t cover all that’s been going on, but hopefully highlights just how we’re trying to make a difference to those across the UK touched by HIE.

It’s also important that we share how our funds are spent. We know how precious every single pound is (especially at the moment, with energy bills and cost of living rises), and can’t say thank you enough for every single donation we receive. No matter how big or small, whether it’s a monetary amount or words of kindness, you really do make a difference.

If you’d like to know more about the work we do (even the behind the scenes stuff with our small but lovely team), or how you can get involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thanks so much,

All @Peeps

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