Referral Form | Peeps | HIE Awareness & Support

Referral Form

This form can be completed by the parent/carer or healthcare professional of any child in the UK who has received an H.I.E. (hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy) diagnosis.

The information will be used by Peeps (registered charity 1179495) to contact the family, offer relevant support, and keep updated with any services that may be of use to them.

Further information can be found on the within our Privacy Policy, by emailing or by phoning 0800 987 5422.

Referred child

About the child

Please provide us with some information regarding the child and diagnosis.

Child's Contact details

Please enter the primary contact details of this child.

Details of diagnosis

Please provide us with information regarding this child's diagnosis.

Details of siblings

If the referred child has siblings, you may provide details here, so we can make sure to take them into account during our support. Please leave blank in not applicable.

Parent details

Primary carer

Please provide us with details of the primary carer/parent.

Additional carer?

Optionally, you may also provide details of an additional carer/parent.

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