We'll still bee here... | Peeps | HIE Awareness & Support

We’ll still bee here…


We’ll still bee here…

As England is preparing to go in to a second lockdown, we just wanted to reassure everyone that we are still here, and will be continuing to support as much as we can.

A reminder of some of the things we offer to anyone in the UK who has been affected by HIE (and we’re always open to suggestions and new ideas!):

💛 Free parent packs for families at the very start of their HIE journey (available either directly or via neonatal units)
💛 Specialised counselling, CBT or EMDR therapy, arranged and funded (all sessions take place over the phone at a time to suit, so no worries about shielding / social distancing)
💛 Up to £400 towards the cost of equipment, that isn’t always available on the NHS
💛 Peer support – if you want an informal chat with a HIE mum or dad who “gets it”, there’ll always be a kind ear to listen or a gentle reply to an email/text.

To sign up to any of the above, and to receive our monthly updates just complete the quick referral form on our website https://www.peeps-hie.org/hie-awareness-support/

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if there is anything at all we can help with. There’s no such thing as a silly question, and you never need to apologise for reaching out – it’s what we’re here for.

Stay safe and well,
With best wishes
All @Peeps

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