Would you like to be on our Parent Panel? | Peeps | HIE Awareness & Support

Would you like to be on our Parent Panel?


Would you like to be on our Parent Panel?

As a charity, we have grown over the last couple of years, and we’re always mindful to try and make sure we represent and support all HIE journeys, experiences and outcomes.

We’re not the experts though – you are! We’re therefore looking for a selection of families to join our panel. The aim is to contribute ideas, provide feedback on information we offer, and generally be a voice to represent diversity and inclusion. This will be via online meetings as well as email.

Time is of course precious and most of us are juggling lots of things already – so whilst a level of commitment is required, the ideas is that it can fit around life and certainly isn’t there to add more pressure! Ideally we’re looking for 2 hours per quarter.

There will be a short application form to fill in and we are looking for up to 20 families initially to take part.

For more information and a copy of the role description, please email info@peeps-hie.org

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